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What we offer

Treatments You Can Trust



Anti-wrinkle treatment works by targeting specific muscles in the face, causing them temporary paralysis. As a result, expression lines are reduced, or completely eliminated, and fine lines are softened. Anti-wrinkle treatment is a quick and effective way to give yourself a freshen-up.


Anti-wrinkle treatment can also be used to assist with teeth grinding, gummy smile, smokers lines, and more. 


Anti-wrinkle treatment results take up to two weeks to come into full effect, and results last approximately 3-4months.


Dermal Filler

Dermal filler is a fantastic treatment which can be applied in a variety of settings, including:


Volume restoration to the face in areas such as the cheeks and temples. 


Facial sculpting, or contouring, for areas such as the jawline or chin.


Accentuating natural features, such as lips.


Dermal filler treatments are carefully planned and tailored to each individual, producing beautiful, natural results.


Fat Dissolving

Fat dissolving is an effective treatment used to significantly reduce the appearance of excess fat deposits under the chin, resulting in a slimmer appearance and a more defined profile.


Fat dissolving injections are quick and effective, and the results are long-lasting.


Treatment is tailored specifically to each individual, and a treatment plan will be developed with you. Up to three treatments may be required to optimise your results.

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